Are You A Former or Current Flight Attendant?

SILVERLINERS INTERNATIONAL celebrates its 70th Anniversity in 2024 and has a new name...Silverliners International Flight Attendant Organization, Inc. dba/Silverliners International.  Although originally formed by Eastern Air Lines flight attendants in 1954, with the loss of EAL and the opportunity to continue flying for other airlines, Silverliners began welcoming current flight attendants and flight attendants from other airlines and we have tripled our membership.  We currently we have 100+ airlines represented, as well as corporate and charter carriers.  We continue to welcome all current and former flight attendants to join our unique organization and enjoy our social and charitable endeavors as well as our shared flying experiences.

Become part of an organization with a common bond that unlocks doors to past friendships and acquaints you with new ones.

If you do not live near a city that has an established chapter, you may become a member of the Coast to Coast Chapter.  Many of our Coast to Coast members have launched established chapters in their area.

We Invite You to Join US!

2024-2026 International Officers

President - Kay Yarbrough - FEC Chapter

Vice President - Che (Hirsch/Noe) Stephens - TUS Chapter 

Secretary - Adrienne (Collier) Love - FGC Chapter

Treasurer - Beverly (Gantley) LaPointe - FGC Chapter

Magazine Editor - Brenda Chabot - CCC/FGC Chapter